Christmas Trees


Nordmann Fir

The Nordmann has glossy dark green colour needles which are relatively soft, making it suitable for those with young children. The needles are covered in a waxy cuticle which prevents water loss. This coating on the Nordmann Fir gives it a minimal fragrance, and is recommended when choosing a Christmas tree for individuals with allergies.
Its superb needle retention also makes it the most popular choice across the UK & Ireland.

Noble Fir

The Noble foliage is more spaced out as the needles turn upward, exposing the lower branches. The Noble Fir has blue-green needles and sometimes appear to have a hint of silver in them. Its stiff branches make it a good tree for heavy ornaments, as well as providing excellent greenery for wreaths and garlands. Noble Fir emits a distinctive yet mild fir scent that creates a lovely Christmassy atmosphere in your home.

Norway Spruce

A more traditional Christmas tree, the Spruce may not hold its needles as well as the Nordman and Noble but it still appeals to many buyers because of its charming shape and scent. 

Looking after your tree at home!

Make a fresh cut

Cut 2-3 cm off the stump. This allows the tree to take in water.

Secure into a stand

Don't unwrap your tree until you have secured it into a stand. We can provide stands which hold water.

Avoid radiators/ fires

Try to avoid placing your tree next to a heat source. Let it settle once unwrapped before decorating.


Remember to top up your tree with water every day. No need to add anything else.
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